The Morales Family Foundation partners with non-profit organizations whose missions are to (i) support the creation of equitable learning environments that are responsive to the needs and desires of Latino and Black communities across the country; (ii) address racial, economic and other inequalities that are pervasive in US society; or (iii) increase access to capital for, and support the growth of, the Latino business community.

The Morales Family Foundation is a proud partner and supporter of the following organizations:

Comp Sci High was founded as the first Career & Technical Education charter school in New York State. Its diverse faculty and staff seek to empower Bronx students with the work experience and the academic and technical skills necessary to access college, careers, and economic opportunity. They do so in a culturally sensitive and responsive environment located in the South Bronx. In its first year of operation, Comp Sci High’s students achieved standardized test scores that placed the school in the 94th percentile of all NYC high schools and the 98th percentile of all high schools in the Bronx.

Mr. Morales was born in the South Bronx and is the Founding Chair of the Board of Comp Sci High. He also serves as a member of the Academic Accountability Committee and of the Finance Committee.

HSF empowers students and parents with the resources to successfully complete a higher education. The organization provides scholarships and support services to exceptional Latino and other underrepresented students. HSF is the nation’s largest provider of college information and services for Latino families. 

Mr. Morales is an HSF alum and previously served on the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund and as a member of its Executive Committee and Chair of its Finance & Investment Committee.

NSVF is a national organization that invests in teams of educators, parent leaders and entrepreneurs who are seeking to reimagine learning and public education. Its main investment areas include innovative public schools, diverse education leaders, racial equity and education technology learning solutions. NSVF is a venture philanthropy organization that invests in the most promising innovators from around the country who have the greatest potential to improve student learning and positively impact the communities they serve. The organization supports these leaders with management assistance and customized resources with the goal of helping them achieve their missions more quickly and with higher quality.

Mr. Morales serves on NSVF’s Board of Directors and on its Finance Committee.

Transcend is committed to supporting communities to create and spread extraordinary, equitable learning environments. For teams who are beginning to design or redesign schools, the organization provides powerful learning experiences, coaching, research-driven tools, inspiration visits, and access to a national community of supports. For schools that are further along, Transcend adds capacity to help understand and strengthen local conditions for innovation, build strong and practical design products that enable effective implementation, and connect to resources across the country that accelerate progress.

Mr. Morales serves on Transcend’s Board of Directors and is the Chair of its Finance Committee.

Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts & Sciences’ Inequality in America Initiative is a multidisciplinary effort to elevate and energize teaching and research on social and economic inequality and to use what is learned to inform the public debate and public response to these challenges.

In 2020, the Morales Family Foundation established the Cassey and Angel Morales Inequality in America Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund to support postdoctoral students in the study of racial inequality.

Mrs. Morales is a graduate of the Harvard Business School and Mr. Morales is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School. Mr. Morales is a member of the Harvard College Fund Executive Committee and the Founding Vice Chair of its Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee.

The Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program seeks to empower Latino communities and promote long-term economic growth and resiliency. In 2021, the AILAS launched the City Learning and Action Lab to work with six Latino-majority communities to spur economic growth in regions where COVID-19 exacerbated long-existing inequities. The Morales Family Foundation partnered with the Knight Foundation and Prospera  to include Miami in the initial cohort of participating cities and communities.

Inspired by the 30th anniversary of coeducation at Columbia College in 2016, the Alumnae Legacy Circle was established to recognize and inspire female philanthropy. This leadership giving society brings together Columbia College women as leaders, elevating their voices and inspiring them to strengthen the College, expand their influence and support the Columbia College Fund. With a growing membership base of Columbia College alumnae from nearly every class since 1984, the Alumnae Legacy Circle has forged a global network of dedicated women from seven countries and 19 states. Members are leaders in their communities and in fields like finance, medicine, education, media and technology.

Mrs. Morales is an alumnus of Columbia College and a founding member of the Alumni Legacy Circle.

The Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) at Columbia Law School has as its mission to revitalize public education while concurrently reinventing professional education. CPRL partners with organizations and public entities across the education sector, helping to transform how systems work and aiming to solve the most pressing equity-focused challenges faced by these systems. Among other service offerings, CPRL provides high-quality research along with policy and legal expertise to state departments of education, school districts, charter school management organizations, foundations and other non-profits.

Mr. Morales is a member of CPRL’s Advisory Council. 

Gulliver Prep, an independent K-12 school located in Coral Gables, Florida, is committed to maintaining its position as a global leader in independent school education. Its mission is to create an academic community devoted to educational excellence, with a personal touch, that fulfills each student’s potential. This necessarily requires a diverse community of students and families.

The Morales Family Foundation supports the Financial Aid and Student Support program, a key component of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiative at Gulliver Prep. The program allows deserving students to buy school uniforms, attend class trips and access the Academic Resource Program, among other benefits. In addition, the Learning Terrace at the Upper School Campus is named after the Morales family.

Mrs. Morales is the Vice Chair of the Gulliver Prep Board of Trustees and the Chair of its Development Committee.